Holiday Felt Letter Board Ideas
The holidays are coming fast, and it’s time to make your plans! Especially if you’re a busy working mom like I am, planning in advance is a must, to make the holidays as magical as possible for your sweet little ones.
My son (also known as Gummy Bear) just turned two, and I’m so excited to watch him experience Christmas, now that he actually understands what is happening. We had our first major snow of the year this week, and it is so wonderful watching him look at the snow with such wonder.
Give thanks
Since Thanksgiving is this week, I’m adding this in addition to all the Christmas fun. Your letter board is a great way to say what you are thankful for! You can even take turns each day of the week, every family member gets a chance to show their gratitude.
This is a super simple way to use your letterboard to get the excitement rolling! You can use it in addition to an advent calendar, or any other Christmas countdown traditions you already do.
Our 2 inch letters are a fantastic way to make the countdown bigger and more exciting! Don’t forget to use your stars, asterisks and periods to make your board look like a starry night.
Notes from Santa
The part of christmas I remember the most to this day, was the magical stories me parents told me about Santa, how he was able to walk through walls, squeeze down even the smallest chimneys, and make it to every child’s house in one night. My parents typed letters from Santa to us kids, and although I have no clue what gifts I got as a child, I remember the magic, and I remember how special those letters made me feel.
So I intend to use my felt boards for Santa to leave a message - after he eats his milk and cookies, of course!
Messages from the Elf
For any of those who have those mischievous elves running around your house playing pranks while keeping an eye on your children, letter boards are great ways to caption all their playful shenanigans and mischief!

Movie Quotes!
This might be a given, but load up your felt boards with quotes from your favorite Holiday movies or songs! Just be careful you pick one that’s fairly short otherwise it might fit. Usually 1 long word, 2 medium words, or 3 small words per line, with a maximum of 7 lines (although 6 usually looks more attractive).

Here are some of my favorites:
“I believe, I believe. It’s silly but I believe.” — Miracle on 34th Street (1947)
“Merry Christmas, you filthy animal.” – Home Alone 2: Lost in New York” (1992)
“Blast this Christmas music. It’s joyful and triumphant.” — The Grinch
“Just remember, the true spirit of Christmas lies in your heart.” -The Polar Express (2004)
“Look, Daddy. Teacher says, every time a bell rings an angel gets his wings.” — It’s a Wonderful Life (1946)
“Arthur! Christmas is not a time for emotion!” — Hugh Laurie in Arthur Christmas (2011)
“Yes! Yes I do! I like Christmas! I love Christmas!” — (Ebenezer Scrooge)A Christmas Carol (1938)
“Faith is believing in things when common sense tells you not to.” — Doris Walker, Miracle on 34th
“You stink. You smell like beef and cheese, you don’t smell like Santa.” –Buddy the Elf
Holiday Songs
This might seem an obvious choice, but I couldn’t leave out choosing some classic christmas songs and finding your favorite, nostalgic lines to add to your letter board. Here’s one of mine <3
If you use a behaviour rewards system for your kids, with stickers or anything like that, you could even take advantage of this time of the year to use the board to have the elves or Santa tell them how great they did yesterday (or insert other positive affirmation), and give them a sticker or reward.
Make sure you take photos! I am dying to see the holiday ideas that you come up with! Please tag us @artisticatmos on Facebook and Instagram so that we will see it!
Thank you so much for reading! Please let me know what you think, and have a great holiday season!